How was EAPP founded? How is EAPP structured? Who is leading EAPP?
EAPP is a democratic and transparent association with a rich history in facilitating research on personality in Europe and beyond. The purpose of the EAPP is the promotion and development of empirical and theoretical personality psychology within Europe and beyond, and the interchange of information relating to this subject between members of the EAPP and cognate associations throughout the world.
The EAPP pursues the following activities:
- organization of meetings and conferences;
- promotion of mutual scientific communication and research cooperation between members, and between members and other scientists;
- publication of manuscripts;
- cooperation with other associations and institutions within and outside Europe.
Study the Statues
Statutes and regulations
Study the Statutes and Regulations
The first linked document is an English translation of the statutes, which are in Dutch. In case of disagreement, the Dutch version applies.
Our Values
Find out more about the EAPP research ethics and diversity statement.
Executive Committee
Find out who is a member of the current Executive Committee.
Advisory Board
Click here to find out more who are our advisory board members.
Assistant Manager
For any questions, concerns, suggestions or feedback – feel free to reach out to our Assistant Manager.
Regional Promoters
Get to know our regional promoters around the globe!
Audit Committee
Learn more about the history of EAPP.
Study the statutes of EAPP.