Executive Committee

Find out who is a member of the current Executive Committee.



Prof. Dr. J. F. Rauthmann
LMU Munich (Germany)                                                                                              email: president@eapp.org

John Rauthmann leads the work group “Differential Psychology, Personality Psychology, and Psychological Assessment” at Bielefeld University. He studies the dynamic interplay between persons and environments, or how persons structure and navigate their daily lives, thereby creating niches that may themselves have implications for their personalities and development. He aims to capture person and environment variables with a multi-method approach in the lab and in the field. Rauthmann studied psychology at the University of Innsbruck (Austria), obtained his doctorate and habilitation from Humboldt University of Berlin, and worked as a professor at Wake Forest University (NC, USA) and the University of Lübeck.

Vice President (President-Elect)

Dr. Giulio Costantini
University of Milan (Italy)
Giulio Costantini is an Assistant Professor of Psychometrics at the Psychology Department of the University of Milan-Bicocca. His research interests span the fields of personality psychology, psychological methods, and network analysis. His research has been focusing mainly on developing network analysis as a statistical and theoretical tool to model personality, with a specific focus on motivational systems. Additionally, he has been applying the network methodology to understand the structure and processes specific traits, namely conscientiousness and, more recently, honesty-humility. He is also interested in the psychometric measurement of personality, with a keen eye on implicit measures. Other research interests include the relationships between personality, behavior, and psychological situations; the psychometric measurement of creative problem-solving skills; statistical power and scientific reproducibility.


Prof. Dr. Ingo Zettler
University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

Ingo Zettler is Professor of Personality and Social Behavior at the Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science (SODAS) and the Department of Psychology, both University of Copenhagen. Research in which he is involved often deals with the relations between personality dimensions and social behavior or life outcomes more broadly. At this juncture, the focus typically lies on aversive and prosocial aspects. Ingo has also been part of research with a more assessment-related focus, as well as research at the intersection of personality psychology and more applied psychological disciplines (e.g., educational psychology, health psychology, work and organizational psychology).

In his role as EAPP treasurer, Ingo’s main task is to keep the EAPP budget and its documentation in
order, as well as to support EAPP’s missions more generally.


Dr. Ana Butković
University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Email: secretary@eapp.org

Ana Butković is an Associate Professor at the University of Zagreb. She obtained her degrees in flute and psychology, and her PhD in psychology from University of Zagreb. Ana joined the EAPP Executive Committee in 2022 and will be serving as a secretary. Her research interests include personality, behaviour genetics, intelligence, creativity, and psychology of music. She teaches different courses on individual differences in both personality and intelligence, as well as an elective course introducing students to the field of psychology of music. Ana participated in establishing the Regional Network Psychology and Music (RNPaM).

As a member of the EAPP Executive Committee, Ana would like to contribute her specific experiences to develop new ideas, promote inclusion of scientists from developing countries and help advance the research on personality in Europe and worldwide.

Dutch Affairs Representative

Dr. Manon A. Van Scheppingen
Tilburg University (the Netherlands)
e-mail: earlycareer@eapp.org

Manon van Scheppingen is an assistant professor at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. In 2019, she joined the EAPP Executive Committee as Early Career Representative and became Dutch Affairs Representative in 2022. Her research focuses on one of the big questions in personality psychology: What accounts for personality change in adulthood? Manon particularly focuses on adult personality development in the context of close relationships and major life events, such as divorce. She has an interdisciplinary network and combine methods from psychology and other disciplines (e.g., demography and sociology). She specializes in longitudinal latent variable modeling and quasi-experimental case-control designs. For more information about her research, please visit her projects on the Open Science Framework: https://osf.io/arjeg/.