Meetings and Grants
What kinds of meetings does EAPP facilitate to promote personality research?
EAPP thinks that research is inherently a collaborative process, in which scholars should meet each other to learn new methodologies and exchange their findings. Find out more using the headers below.
New calls for nominations are open – make sure to check them out here!
Focus meetings
EAPP facilitates experts (sometimes together with junior colleagues) to discuss state-of-the-art research on a specific topic, which can lead to books, target articles, or grant proposals.
Travel and Networking Grants
By sponsoring networking and travel stipends for Early Career Researchers, EAPP aims to increase its regional scope and cross-national relationships among its members and support ECRs in building collaborative networks with European personality psychologists.
Summer School of Personality Science
EAPP organizes summer schools for early career researchers, providing them with opportunities for mentoring and learning the newest methodologies and theoretical insights.
Collaborative Research Grants
The Collaborative Research Grants aim to support novel and high-level collaborative personality research projects involving at least two early career researchers from at least two different countries or distinct within-country regions.