
Call for Papers: Hogan Best Applied Paper Award

JournalPersonality Science

Award: Hogan Best Applied Paper Award

Personality Science is excited to announce the call for submissions for the Hogan Best Applied Paper Award, sponsored by Hogan Assessments. This prestigious award honors the best paper that addresses real-world issues or solves problems commonly encountered in applied or practical settings. The recipient of the award will receive €1,000.

New Feature: Focus on Registered Reports

This year, the award will place a special emphasis on registered reports. We encourage submissions that showcase rigorous and transparent research practices, adhering to the highest standards of empirical integrity.

Award Process:

  1. Applicants submit their Stage 1 registered report manuscript (which includes the introduction, hypotheses, and method section) to Personality Science. The submission should be done through the Personality Science submission portal:
  2. Applicants notify the editorial assistant of the journal, Phine Hazelbag by e-mail (, that they would like to qualify for the Hogan Award, and include it in their cover letter.
  3. The winner will be chosen early 2025 by Hogan Assessments based on the Stage 1 manuscript in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief of Personality Science.
  4. The recipient of the award will be announced via the newsletters of the associations that are involved in Personality Science, and receives the award money.
  5. Any submitted Stage 1 manuscript (even if it does not receive the award) is eligible to be approved by the editorial team of Personality Science, after which it can be submitted as Stage 2 manuscript.
  6. After acceptance of the Stage 2 manuscript, a publication notice will be disseminated via the newsletters mentioned above.

About Personality Science:

Personality Science is a multidisciplinary, open-access journal that publishes high-quality theoretical, methodological, empirical, applied, and commentary papers. The journal embraces a broad scope, examining individual differences from biological, psychological, and social perspectives, and encourages contributions from diverse fields such as genetics, anthropology, sociology, computer science, economics, educational science, medicine, and political science.

Key Features of the Journal:

  • Multidisciplinary Scope: We actively seek contributions from various scientific disciplines.
  • Public Engagement: We welcome papers that bridge personality science with societal, and geopolitical issues, public interest, policy, and applied practice.
  • Geographical Diversity: We aim to include high-quality publications from authors worldwide and promote research using non-WEIRD samples.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Papers should be submitted through the Personality Science submission portal. Please ensure submissions are formatted according to the journal’s guidelines and include a clear statement of their applied relevance and impact.

Deadline for Submissions:

  • December 1st, 2024

We look forward to receiving your submissions and recognizing outstanding applied research in personality science.

For more information and submission details, please visit our website or contact the editorial office at

Personality Science Editorial Team

Call for Nominations: President-Elect and Treasurer

Here you can nominate candidates for President-Elect and Treasurer of the EAPP Executive Committee (EC).

The President-Elect is elected for two years and then becomes the President for another two years; thereafter, they become the Past President for an additional two years. The President is the Chair of the EC and presides over all Members’ meetings. In close collaboration with other EC members, they oversee all EAPP and EC activities, formulate and set out the strategic vision and purpose of the association, and represent the EAPP in official communications, among other tasks. The President-Elect collaborates with the President to learn the role of the President and is ideally someone who is familiar with the EAPP and its mission, goals, and values.

The Treasurer is responsible for all aspects of the financial management of the association, working closely with other members of the EC to safeguard EAPP’s finances. This includes general financial oversight; financial planning and budgeting; financial reporting; banking, bookkeeping, and record-keeping. The Treasurer’s term length is 4 years.

According to the statutes of the EAPP, any member of the association can nominate potential candidates and is eligible to be nominated as President-Elect or Treasurer. To be eligible for nomination, a candidate must be an active EAPP member at the time of the election. After the nomination period, the eligible candidates will be announced and all EAPP members will be invited to cast their votes in an electronic election later this summer. The President-Elect andthe Treasurer will begin their term of office right after the 21st European Conference of Personality in August 2024.

The EAPP EC is strongly committed to diversity and inclusion. We particularly welcome nominations for the EAPP members with primary affiliation in regions of Europe and the rest of the world that are currently underrepresented in the EC (for the current list of EC members, please see 

Candidates who receive the largest number of votes from the EAPP members in the election will be declared elected, subject to the restriction that no more than two members with main affiliations in the same country, disregarding the President, can serve on the EC. For this reason, due to the present composition of the EC, we are not suggesting to nominate candidates with main affiliation in Germany for the positions.

Any nomination must be supported by at least two members of the EAPP. The search committee (see below) will be happy to assist with connecting with potential supporting EAPP members. The members’ list can be consulted at (available only to EAPP members upon login). Prospective candidates must consent to nomination before being put forward for election.

The EC has appointed a search committee with the task of supporting the search for nominations. The search committee is chaired by Anu Realo (, Past President of the EAPP, supported by Fritz Götz (, Diversity Officer of the EAPP, and Ana Butkovic (, Secretary of the EAPP. In case you have any questions about the nomination process or the vacant roles, please do not hesitate to contact the Chair of the Search Committee at

The nomination for President-Elect and Treasurer will close on 8 June 2024 at 23:59 CET. To nominate a candidate, please complete the nomination form for President-Elect or Treasurer and submit it via email to the Secretary of the EAPP, Ana Butkovic (

Big News for the Journal Personality Science

We are proud to announce a groundbreaking collaboration between the EAPP and four esteemed partner associations ACPID, ARP, JSPP, and SPSP to bring you a relaunch of our newest journal, Personality Science, in partnership with Sage which already publishes our flagship journal, the European Journal of Personality. This exciting development is set to revolutionize research and knowledge sharing in personality psychology across the world. Our mission is to provide a platform for cutting-edge research, thought-provoking articles,
and innovative ideas that will shape the future of our field. We invite you to stay updated on this journey and join us in this exciting endeavor!