Life-Time Achievement Award

Award Winners

In recognition for his theoretically innovative, methodologically strong, highly programmatic, and tremendously influential work on the study of the self and identity, core topics in personality psychology. Prof. Sedikides has examined these topics using a wide range of perspectives (motivational, cognitive, affective), methodologies (cross-sectional, experimental), and also across cultures. His extremely prolific career has yielded many highly cited, now considered classic, papers on topics as such as narcissism, nostalgia, self-esteem, and self-enhancement. Prof. Sedikides also been a generous and tireless mentor to generations of researchers across the world. The legacy of Prof. Sedikides is large and deep, and this award is a signifier of it.


Constantine Sedikides
University of Southampton, UK



William Revelle
Northwestern University, USA



Jüri Allik
University of Tartu, Estonia



Jens Asendorpf
Humboldt University, Germany



Jan Strelau
Warsaw University, Poland


Alois Angleitner
Bielefeld University, Germany