Early Achievement Award
Award Winners
At the nexus of personality, psychometrics, computational social science, and big data, Prof. Kosinski’s innovative and integrative research program has broken new ground both methodologically and substantively. Chief among his contributions are Kosinski’s theoretically thoughtful and empirically powerful demonstrations of the many ways in which digital footprints are linked to individual psychological characteristics, including personality and political orientation. Notwithstanding the ample opportunities that arise from these findings, throughout his work, Kosinski has been an outspoken advocate of ethical accountability and the big responsibility that comes with big data. Attesting to his impact within the field and beyond, Prof. Kosinski has been listed among the top 100 most cited personality scholars (Google Scholar) and the top 1% most cited researchers worldwide (Clarivate).
Michal Kosinski
Stanford University, USA
Isabel Thielmann
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Christian Kandler
MSB Medical School Berlin, Germany
René Mõttus
University of Edinburgh, UK
Wiebke Bleidorn
University of California, Davis, USA
Jochen Gebauer
Humboldt University, Germany
Lars Penke
University of Edinburgh, UK