2023 EAPP Award Winners

The Executive Committee of the European Association for Personality Psychology (EAPP) is pleased to announce the list of 2023 EAPP award winners:

2023 EASP-EAPP Award: Jochen Gebauer

Jochen Gebauer, a first generation academic, is a brilliant researcher with a longstanding genuine interest in the intersection of social and personality psychology. He has substantially contributed to the advancement of both disciplines, by investigating phenomena such as self-esteem, religiosity, and agency and communion. His research is highly original and builds novel theory, repeatedly challenging the status quo. He has proposed influential theoretical developments focusing on the mechanisms of how personality, social, and cultural factors interact and are inherently intertwined. In his research, he combines a broad array of methodological approaches, including cross-sectional, longitudinal, and experimental designs, self-report, informant-report, and behavioral assessment, individual-, group- and big-data, as well as the application of advanced statistical solutions. Also, he has targeted samples from diverse populations, regarding for instance geography and culture.

2023 EAPP Dissertation Award: Elisabeth L. de Moor and Samantha Krauss (Ex aequo)

Both of these dissertations tackle problems that have existed in psychology for a long time. Yet, they address them anew in rigorous ways, by applying refined statistical modeling to multiple rich datasets, which maximizes chances of obtaining conclusive answers to fundamental psychological questions regarding bases and importance of self-esteem for various life outcomes (in the case of Samantha Krauss’ dissertation) and the relationship between transitions and life events and individual identity (in the case of Elisabeth L. de Moor’s dissertation). Both dissertations have led to excellent high-tier publications.

2023 EAPP Early Achievement Award: Michal Kosinski
At the nexus of personality, psychometrics, computational social science, and big data, Prof. Kosinski’s innovative and integrative research program has broken new ground both methodologically and substantively. Chief among his contributions are Kosinski’s theoretically thoughtful and empirically powerful demonstrations of the many ways in which digital footprints are linked to individual psychological characteristics, including personality and political orientation. Notwithstanding the ample opportunities that arise from these findings, throughout his work, Kosinski has been an outspoken advocate of ethical accountability and the big responsibility that comes with big data. Attesting to his impact within the field and beyond, Prof. Kosinski has been listed among the top 100 most cited personality scholars (Google Scholar) and the top 1% most cited researchers worldwide (Clarivate).

2023 EAPP Mid-Career Award: Jaap Denissen

Prof. Denissen’s landmark contributions to the field of personality psychology, which also incorporate approaches from social and developmental psychology, are characterized by great innovativeness, interdisciplinarity, and methodological rigor. He has managed to make excellent contributions in research domains as different as personality development, trait theories, evolutionary psychology, motivation science, and self-perception research. Among his most outstanding conceptual contributions are theoretical models explaining the motivational underpinnings of personality, the causal processes underlying inborn individual differences and personality development across the life span. These models have been put to rigorous empirical tests in highly impactful studies investigating the interplay between person and the environment over the life course. Prof. Denissen has also served in several editorial positions for top journals in the fields of personality and developmental psychology and has motivated and inspired many young scholars.

2023 EAPP Life-Time Achievement Award: Constantine Sedikides

In recognition for his theoretically innovative, methodologically strong, highly programmatic, and tremendously influential work on the study of the self and identity, core topics in personality psychology. Prof. Sedikides has examined these topics using a wide range of perspectives (motivational, cognitive, affective), methodologies (cross-sectional, experimental), and also across cultures. His extremely prolific career has yielded many highly cited, now considered classic, papers on topics as such as narcissism, nostalgia, self-esteem, and self-enhancement. Prof. Sedikides also been a generous and tireless mentor to generations of researchers across the world. The legacy of Prof. Sedikides is large and deep, and this award is a signifier of it.

2023 EAPP Leadership and Service Award: Marco Perugini

Beyond his excellent scientific contributions to the field of personality, Prof. Perugini has shown a great long-term commitment and service to the EAPP in his different roles and capacities—including the Presidency of the association. Professor Marco Perugini was also instrumental and a key participant in EAPP’s early and constructive involvement in the “replicability revolution,” by leading several relevant meetings and initiatives. This award signifies our gratitude to Prof. Perugini for his service to the field and the association.