Conceptualizing and assessing personality: New approaches to fundamental questions

EM 9 | 2018, September 6-8 | Edinburgh, Scotland



  • As one outcome, the proposed meeting will provide a tentative list of concrete suggestions as to how empirical research could progress to distinguish between the correspondence and
    emergence explanations of trait coalescence.
  • An intended outcome of the proposed meeting will be to provide a tentative list of concrete suggestions as to how empirical research could better delineate more fine-grained representations and move personality representations beyond self-report data. The latter should especially be informative with regard to measurement questions. Another desirable outcome of the meeting would be collaborative projects between the participants.


  • René Mõttus (University of Edinburgh)
  • David Condon (Northwestern University)
  • Dustin Wood (University of Alabama)


  • Target articles in EJP and EJPA (in preparation)